Promoting Harmony and Upholding the Rights of Christians in India


Together for Justice: Empowering Christians Across India

Welcome to the All-India Christian Confederation (AICC). Our mission is to foster harmony and uphold the rights of Christians across India. We strive to create an inclusive culture within the Christian community, transcending caste distinctions. At AICC, we fight for legal rights, address injustices, and support financially struggling Christians. Our nonviolent protests, legal interventions, and public advocacy defend churches and Christians against atrocities. We aim to secure cemetery land, ensure legal recognition of church properties, and promote equitable representation in governance. Through collaborations with international organizations and civil society, we strengthen advocacy campaigns and amplify Christian viewpoints in public debate and policymaking.

Together for Justice: Empowering Christians Across India

Our Vision​

To create a united Christian community in India, where everyone's rights are protected, injustices are addressed, churches thrive, believers are safe, and dignity reigns.​

Our Services

Advocacy and Legal Support

  • Providing legal assistance to Christians facing discrimination and injustice.
  • Advocating for the legal recognition and protection of church properties.

Community Support and Upliftment

  • Assisting financially struggling Christians through various support programs.
  • Promoting socio-economic development within the Christian community.

Awareness and Education

  • Conducting educational programs to raise awareness about the rights of Christians.
  • Organizing workshops and seminars on legal rights and social issues.

Advocacy Campaigns

  • Leading peaceful protests and public advocacy campaigns to defend Christian rights.
  • Collaborating with international organizations and civil society to strengthen

Documentation and Monitoring

  • Documenting cases of discrimination and injustice against Christians.
  • Monitoring the implementation of legal protections for the Christian community.

Core Team of AICC

Athisayaraj Yabes

President - AICC

NGR. Christopher Selvaraj

Vice - President

Nelson Jebaraj

Vice - President

Arul Raja

Vice - President

Sam Jebadurai

General Secretary

Robinson Britto


L Theodore Robinson


Sam G Martin

Joint Secretary

Siva Kumar

Joint Secretary

Bexel Jacob


Uma. S

Executive Member

Nancy Appadurai

Executive Member

Get Connected

We are here to support and assist you. Reach out to us through the following contact details:


+91 96774 63528
